LYNNFIELD, MA. Students learn valuable lessons when they intern as part of their college curriculum. Such is the case of Vontel DiBlasi, a computer science major at Endicott College. Vontel is gaining valuable business and marketing skills, while simultaneously assisting the Lynnfield based insurance firm with their social media efforts.
Vontel gained valuable experience while serving with the US Coast Guard in Boston as well as in Highlands, NJ prior to interning with the agency. He is working closely with his professor Bahar Uttam while at Soderberg Insurance. The Endicott senior is crafting the agency’s newsletter, promoting life insurance and financial literacy, as well as increasing visibility for the family business thru traditional and non-traditional social media outlets.
“We are excited to have Vontel on our team and feel that the time we spend together will be mutually beneficial,” states agency president, Kathryn Soderberg. “The insurance industry as a whole is looking to attract fresh, young faces and more diversity to their workforce. We also recognize the importance of a strong social media presence. Vontel is already helping us achieve these goals. We know he will continue to be successful in his marketing efforts with our agency and in his professional life after completion of his internship with our firm.”