The underlying lawsuit involves seven years of litigation plus an addition four years involving a Department of Justice investigation over Harvard College’s admissions process.
MA Law | Insurance Coverage Cases
SJC Seeks Amicus Briefs To Decide COVID-19 Business Interruption Coverage Question
The Supreme Judicial Court announced last week that it was seeking amicus curiae briefs from interested parties on a COVID-19 business interruption case.
Federal Judge’s Ruling Finds “Cheers” Bar at The Hampshire House Has No Coverage
The latest decision in Massachusetts involving a COVID-19 business interruption claim, brings no ‘cheer’ to Hampshire House.
MA Court Dismisses Lender’s Claim Auto Insurer’s Total Loss Calculations Violated DOI Regulation
Source One Financial Corporation sued GEICO seeking a declaratory judgment that GEICO’s valuations resulting from reports compiled by Certified Collateral Corporation (“CCC”) did not comply with the DOI’s regulation.
MA Appeals Court Affirms Dismissal Of Late E&O Claim Alleging Agent Liable For Advising Insured To Only Keep Policies For 7 Years
Are independent agents liable for giving bad advice on how long insureds should keep their insurance policies? The MA Appeals Court weighs in.