Court affirms regulatory filings must be made through the Division’s SERFF System to be valid.
MA Law | Insurance Coverage Cases
Nautilus Insurance Wins Coverage Suit on Contractor’s Foundation Damage Claim: No “Occurrence”
A homeowner’s suit only alleging a contractor caused damage does not state an “occurrence” necessary for CGL coverage.
MAPFRE Must Cover Uninsured Motorist Claim For Insured Being Shot
MAPFRE must pay in a tragic uninsured motorist case involving a random road shooting injuring a father and killing his only son.
Court Finds One-Page Rate Sheet a Contract Barring Claim Against Philadelphia Indemnity
A Massachusetts seafood wholesaler seeking indemnity for a bodily injury claim lost its rights when it signed a rate sheet the Court found was a new contract.
$8.4 Million Bad Faith Judgment against Capitol Specialty on Exotic Dancer’s Injury Claim
An Insurer that eventually paid its $300k limit hit with an $8 million unfair claim practice judgment