Our occasional contributor, Bill Wilson, on the enduring importance of saying what you mean and meaning what you say, particularly in an insurance policy.
Insurance Insights | Massachusetts
InsurOp-Ed: The Talent Shortage
At industry events, when speaking with other agency owners and when viewing the most recent Agency Checklists’ e-blast, the common threat to agencies is painfully obvious. It is a lack of available talent in the industry.[pullquote]If marketing reps were given a dime for every time they were asked “who is looking?” They would be rich […]
The REAL Customer Experience
The former director of the Big I’s Virtual University discusses what the real customer experience is and the part that agents play in it.
InsurOp-Ed: One Word
In this latest Op-Ed from the founder and former director of the Big “I” Virtual University, Mr. Wilson takes a look at the influence one word can have on the ISO CGL policy.
InsurOp-Ed: Doorknob Marketing
The former director of the Big I’s Virtual University discusses his thoughts on a tried and true marketing initiative for independent insurance agents old and new alike.