An interview with Alfredo Castelo, MAPFRE USA president and CEO and Patrick McDonald, MAPFRE CEO for the Northeast Region, for their thoughts and views on MAPFRE’s evolution over the past decade in both Massachusetts and the U.S.
Insurance Insights | Massachusetts
InsurOp-Ed: The Scooter Craze and Insurance
An occasional op-ed on insurance topics of interest from the former director of the Big “I”‘s Virtual University.
InsurOp-Ed: My First Auto Claim In 50 Years
The former director of the Big I’s Virtual University discusses his recent experience in filing an automated auto insurance claim via his phone.
MAgent Op-Ed: What A Traditional Brick & Mortar Agent Like Me Learned At Elevate 2018
Scott Collins, a second generation independent insurance agent and the co-owner of the Mohawk Insurance and Real Estate in Dorchester share some insights after his experience attending Agency Nation’s Elevate 2018 Unconference.
Inspiring Excellence & Increased Sales For Independent Insurance Agents & Agencies in Massachusetts
An Agency Interview with Agency Performance Partners, a local consulting and training firm focused on helping inspire independent insurance agents to take their agencies to the next level.