Deep Associates, North Adams, and Thompson & Linscott, Adams, join Great Barrington, Massachusetts, firm to give their customers additional insurance products and expertise
Insurance News | Massachusetts
Insurance Agencies in Shelburne Falls and Greenfield Partner with Wheeler & Taylor
Mirick Insurance Agency, Shelburne Falls, and Albert B. Allen Insurance Agency, Greenfield, join Great Barrington, Mass., firm to give their customers additional insurance products and expertise
In Memoriam: John Harvey Fernekees, 1942-2024
Founder and Owner of AllMass Fernekees Insurance
Latest Quarter Sees Double Digit Dip For Mergers and Acquisitions
Deals for property & casualty and benefits brokers in United States and Canada dip 20% in first half, OPTIS Partners reports
Insurance Agency Mergers & Acquisitions In Massachusetts | Q2-2024
Q2-2024 Sees Big Drop in M&A Activity in Massachusetts