The Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) of Massachusetts has decided what it called a “close” case, Green Mountain Insurance Company v. Wakelin.
MA Law | Insurance Coverage Cases
Is It Overtime Or On Your Own Time? A Class-Action Suit Alleges That Studying For Employer-Required Insurance Licenses Should Be Considered Overtime
A class action suit seeking overtime pay for unlicensed employees a bank hired who were to sell insurance and investment products after they obtained on their own time the necessary insurance and security licenses recently failed in Federal Court in Boston.
Special Commission Urges A State Captive Insurer To Solve $350 Million Crumbling Foundation Problem
An 11-person commission studying crumbling foundations in Massachusetts recommends setting up a captive insurer to deal with the estimated $350 million in costs for affected homeowners.
Massachusetts Highest Court Rules Insured’s Arson Does Not Bar A Coinsured’s Recovery Under Fire Policy For Chelsea Home
Massachusetts’ highest court, SJC, has interpreted the standard Massachusetts fire policy to allow an innocent coinsured to recover their pro rata share of a loss intentionally caused by a coinsured.
New Rule Raises Minimum Salary For Overtime to $35,568 As Of January 1, 2020
The Labor Department believes the new rule will give 1.3 million workers the right to overtime.