It has been two years since the Mass. RMV made this designation available
Over 30,000 Massachusetts veteran’s have added the Veterans Indicator option to their driver licenses and IDs since 2012 says the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles in a recent announcement. . The designation which first debuted in January 2012 can be applied to either a Mass ID or a Mass. driver’s license and is free as long as the indicator is added during a license renewal process. Please note that standard license renewal and duplication fees apply still apply.
“The Registry is pleased that we have reached 30,000 veterans across the Commonwealth,” said Registrar Blue. “When we reflect on the sacrifices made by our veterans, we are proud to join our colleagues across government to raise awareness and to make sure our men and women are receiving all the benefits afforded to them.”
Photo When the Veterans Designation option first debuted in 2011 Photo Courtesty of MassDOT
While 30,000 have signed up for the indicator many more Veterans have not
The main purpose of the “Veteran” indicator or designation aside from identifying and honoring veterans for their service is to also help make sure that ever veteran is able to receive the benefits and resources available to them. As Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray explained in 2011:
“With over 393,000 veterans across the Commonwealth, we need to do our part to increase awareness about available resources for military servicemen and women,” said Lieutenant Governor Murray, chair of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Veterans Services. “With the RMV already designating ‘Veterans’ on license plates, we’re now extending that designation to include state identification cards and licenses as a means to better inform these deserving men and women of services and benefits they have rightfully earned.”
For example, a “Veterans” Indicator can help first responders as well as the Department of Veterans’ Services to identify individuals who may qualify for additional benefits. It can also help private industry to identify veterans who might also receive special discounts or other incentives from them.
“Massachusetts is the national leader in veterans’ services,” said Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary Coleman Nee. “Working with MassDOT, the Registry and other state agencies we are able to maximize our resources in order to identify veterans and provide enhanced outreach efforts to ensure veterans and their families have the knowledge and access to the finest benefits in the country.”
What Massachusetts agents can do to help
While 30,000 sign-ups is a great start, it is obvious that many more Massachusetts veterans do not know that this free designation is available to them. As many of these veterans most likely obtain their insurance from an independent insurance agent this is a great way to get in touch with them and to let them know about this service and why it might be worthwhile to them.