The nation’s oldest and only remaining member-supported library dedicated to insurance has named Paul Tetrault, JD, CPCU, ARM, AIM as its new Executive Director. In commenting on the selection of Mr. Tetrault, Patrick Quinn, CIC, president of the Library’s Board of Trustees noted his extensive experience within the insurance industry.
Paul is exceptionally qualified to set a course that helps the Library grow and expand in its mission to serve the insurance industry as a leading provider of education and research services. His background in publishing and law, as well as significant experience working with insurance industry organizations, will enable him to collaborate effectively to strengthen the Library’s existing relationships while also identifying new opportunities.”
A former editor and lawyer…

Mr. Tetrault has had a long and varied career within the Massachusetts insurance industry. Many may recall him as a former editor of The Standard, New England’s Insurance Weekly. In addition to his publishing experience, his 25-plus career in insurance also includes practicing law focused on litigation defense and insurance coverage matters.
Prior to joining the Insurance Library, he most recently served as an in-house counsel for government affairs and regional for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, a position he held for over 13 years.
I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity to join and lead an institution that holds such a special place in the lives of generations of insurance professionals,” Tetrault said. “For many, the Library was where they got their start in pursuing professional education to advance and enrich their careers, and it has developed a tradition of bringing the insurance community together to recognize those who have reached the heights of success in the business.”
The Library is a valuable repository of the history of the industry and at the same time is a uniquely focused source of information for all that is new and cutting-edge in the field of risk management and insurance,” Tetrault added.
More about Mr. Tetrault
An active member of the CPCU Society, Tetrault is the incoming chair of its Regulatory and Legislative Interest Group and a member of the Society’s Publications Committee and also serves on the board of the Boston Chapter. He is a frequent contributor to insurance trade and professional publications such as National Underwriter/PC 360 and INSIGHTS: A Professional Journal by the CPCU Society on insurance legislative and regulatory matters.
A graduate of Villanova University and Suffolk University Law School, Tetrault holds the Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter designation as well as the Associate in Risk Management and Associate in Management designations from the Institutes. He is a member of the bars of Massachusetts and the United States Supreme Court.
More about the Insurance Library
Founded in 1887, The Insurance Library Association of Boston is a leading resource for and provider of literature, information services, and quality professional education for the insurance industry and related interests. For more information, visit the ILAB’s website at