The Insurance Library Association of Boston is the oldest private insurance library in the country
The Insurance Library Association of Boston threw open its doors again this past week for its Holiday Open House. The event has now become an annual tradition in which professionals from all walks of the Massachusetts insurance industry come to meet and greet and share in some holiday cheer.
The Library staff – Glenn Cryan, Executive Director, Meagan Stefanow, Reference Librarian/Education Coordinator, and Sara Hart, Reference Librarian – provided the greatest hospitality with ample liquid refreshments of all types, an excellent spread of hors d’oeuvres, and a most enjoyable venue to catch up with old industry friends and to chat up new friends about what is happening on the street.
This year Agency Checklists spent more time enjoying the food, drink and socializing with less time taking pictures. But, here are a few:
a few of the event: