Always remember to caveat emptor and RTFP!
InSurOp-Ed: Fried Chicken and Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty, and thus retention and profitability, isn’t driven by cheap prices.
InSurOp-Ed: Another Certificate of Insurance Noose
Mr. Wilson weighs in on the issue of certificates of insurance and potential E&O issues for agents.
InSurOp-Ed: Am I Legally Liable?
How do you answer questions like this: If ‘this’ happens, am I legally liable?
InSurOp-Ed: Beware Online COI Systems!
I first addressed this issue about 15 years ago when I began writing and speaking on certificate of insurance (COI) problems that had exploded in the marketplace. However, it now seems as if we are in the middle of a second wave of COI problems, including onerous requirements that agents use specific online COI systems […]