According to the Mass. Securities Division, MassMutual failed to “detect and monitor the social media activity of its broker-dealer agents”.
Insurance Law | Massachusetts
Patient “Runner” & Insurance Broker Indicted Over Addiction Treatment Scams
Patient Broker and Insurance Broker Indicted for Recruiting Patients With Substance Use Disorder to Treatment Centers in Florida, Signing Them up for False Insurance Policies.
SJC Seeks Amicus Briefs To Decide COVID-19 Business Interruption Coverage Question
The Supreme Judicial Court announced last week that it was seeking amicus curiae briefs from interested parties on a COVID-19 business interruption case.
Federal Judge’s Ruling Finds “Cheers” Bar at The Hampshire House Has No Coverage
The latest decision in Massachusetts involving a COVID-19 business interruption claim, brings no ‘cheer’ to Hampshire House.
Worcester Temp Employment Owner Pleads Guilty To Workers’ Compensation And Tax Fraud
The owner of two temporary Worcester employment agencies has pleaded guilty in federal court to federal tax and workers’ compensation fraud charges.