An update on the Commissioner of Insurance’s work with the NAIC from the Mass OCABR.
DOI news
Mass. AGO To DOI: Time To Lower Commercial Auto Premiums Too
Argues Reduced Economic Activity and Reduced Road Congestion Should Lead to Lower Premiums.
DOI Issues Bulletin Permitting Temporary Individual Insurance Producer Licenses During the COVID-19 Health Crisis
The Massachusetts Division of Insurance has issued a new Bulletin this week offering interested individuals the ability to become temporarily licensed as an individual insurance producer during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
DOI Schedules Hearing On CMR 26.00 Annual Financial Reporting For Years Ending 2010 and After
More information including the Docket No. and how to attend or comment on the proposed amendment.
Division of Insurance Dismisses Point Insurance’s Complaint Against Arbella For Improper Practices
The Mass. Division of Insurance has denied a complaint by an insurance agency that Arbella Ins.’s underwriting actions were unfair, unreasonable, or improper.