A family paid an uncovered $750,000 claim settlement to keep their son out of jail for an assault and battery charge occurring in Newport, Rhode Island.
insurance coverage law in massachusetts
Massachusetts Court Rules On Liability Insurer Summarily Denying Chelsea Condo Coverage Based On A Complaint Alone
In this First Circuit appeal, the Court outlined the fine line that distinguishes when an insurer may refuse to defend a complaint based on its allegations alone.
Capitol Specialty Ins. Must Pay Exotic Dancer $6.5 Million under c. 93A for Unfair Claim Practices
The First Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed $6.5 million of the $8.4 million unfair claim practice judgment that Capitol Specialty Insurance Corporation had appealed from the United States District Court sitting in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Green Mountain Must Cover Death Claims That Occurred On Uninsured Premises
The Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) of Massachusetts has decided what it called a “close” case, Green Mountain Insurance Company v. Wakelin.
Metropolitan Must Pay Salem Homeowner For Fire Loss Despite “Innocent Co-Insured Doctrine”
Federal court rules standard fire policy bars innocent insured exclusion when other insured intentionally caused loss.