The following chart outlines which insurance companies have paid what so far in the settlements with The Attorney General. The Office of the Attorney General entered into settlements with three additional insurance companies this week that will result in an additional $5.6 million in refunds to Massachusetts motorcycle owners. This brings the total number to […]
mass agent news
A New Look & Feel For ProMutual Group
As of July 25th of this month, ProMutual Group, the Boston-based medical professional liability insurance company is now Coverys. “We believe the new name, Coverys, will better position the member companies as an integrated whole and will better reflect the services we offer,” explains Richard W. Brewer, president and CEO of Coverys. “This is an […]
The MAIP now on your iPhone, iPad or Other Mobile Device
Latest Updates from CAR and the MAIP as of August 4th: With the approval of amendments to Rules 21.C.5 and 29.D.2 which were announced in the CAR Bulletin 945, CAR has updated and implemented the down payment requirements for eligible policies. CAR has a new PDF Viewer which allows the entire MAIP section to be […]
The Merit Rating Board Moves in with the RMV
As of July 1st, 2011 the Merit Rating Board is now a part of the Registry of Motor Vehicles. The Merit Rating Board maintains the operator driving records for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which includes traffic law violations, at-fault and comprehensive insurance claim records and out-of-state driving records. The primary mission of the Merit Rating […]
DOI Upholds Denial of Individual Producer’s License to Applicant, Paul Burke
On January 31st of this year, Mr. Burke submitted a Uniform Application for an Individual Producer License/Registration with the Division of Insurance. On March 25, 2011, Diane Silverman Black, the DOI’s Director of Producer Licensing sent a letter to Mr. Black denying his application because of his seven prior felony convictions. Those convictions included: carjacking […]