November 2, 2014 – An in-depth interview with Francis A. Mancini, Esq., the President and CEO of the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents.
massagent news
Rogers & Gray Grows By Two
December 18, 2013 – Rogers & Gray, founded in 1906, is one of the largest independent insurance agencies in Massachusetts.
In Real Time With Steve Aronson of Aronson Insurance
Our latest look at a local independent insurance agent and how their agency is making its way in the Massachusetts insurance industry.
The Paperless Agent – Michael Butts of Yankee Insurance Agency
Our latest look at a local independent insurance agent and how their agency is making its way in the Massachusetts insurance industry.
National Transportation Safety Board Calls on States To Ban Driver Use of Electronic Devices
Despite recent passage of a texting-while-driving ban in Massachusetts, anyone who spends even a short time on the Bay State’s roads will see drivers using increasingly common and sophisticated cell and smart phones while behind the wheel. The national conversation over the safety issues associated with that trend will likely be influenced in the coming […]