FEB. 1, 2012 – New Massachusetts legislation (S 1798) is looking to require license plates to pair up to four alpha-numerica characters with one easily recognized symbol, such as a star, heart, circle or diamond.
The Top Ten Writers of Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Massachusetts
A list of the Top 10 writers of Workers’ Compensation* companies in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Governor Patrick’s Budget Proposes Cuts To The RMV
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, JAN. 25, 2012…..Gov. Deval Patrick on Wednesday proposed a $32.3 billion annual state budget plan that calls for $730 million in new savings from government-funded health care programs and would eliminate 300 jobs, close a Norfolk prison with 330 inmates, and generate $260 million in new revenues, in part by raising the […]
U.S Commercial Insurance Rates Expected To Rise in 2012
In its U.S. Insurance Market Report Marsh says it is likely the U.S. will see a rise in commercial insurance rates in 2012.
2012 Advisory Committee Members Announced
The list of appointees for the 2012 CAR Advisory Committees is now complete and available on the CAR website. The deadline for submitting an application was on December 9, 2011 To see a list of the new members click on the Committee name and it will link to the list. 2012 CAR Advisory Committee Appointees […]