Mr. Wilson opines on the intangibles in creating true customer loyalty for your agency.
InsurOp-Eds | Agency Checklists
Editorials and opinion pieces from insurance professionals involved with the Massachusetts insurance industry.
InSurOp-Ed: Maintaining AI Status After Completion of Work
A new op-ed from the former director of the Big “I” Virtual University.
InSurOp-Ed: In Claim Disputes, Disregard Case Law At Your Own Risk
Mr. Wilson’s latest post on the principle he refers to as “Unconscionable Advantage.”
What is the Best Insurance Sales Channel, Direct or Agent-Assisted?
I was reading this article in the latest edition of the Coverager email newsletter: “The Big Bet” This was excerpted from a 2004 Berkshire Hathaway annual report: “But a man named Leo Goodwin had an idea for an even more efficient auto insurer and, with a skimpy $200,000, started GEICO in 1936. Goodwin’s plan was to eliminate […]
InSurOp-Ed: The CGL Policy and Faulty Workmanship
Bill Wilson answers a question about the purpose and scope of a CGL policy.